He continued to rescue his team by plunging in the feet of the Italian strikers.
"They play the most attractive soccer in the world and could win the tournament," the Italian striker says.
Demolli indeed proved to be an influential factor in leading the Italian strikers.
He made his debut on the Italian national team in 1978, and soon revealed himself to be one of the most effective Italian strikers.
His remarkable technical skills and impressive body strength makes him one of the most complete and prolific Italian striker.
Borini, the Italian striker on loan from Chelsea, has scored three times in the last three games.
Stefano Pietribiasi (born 8 May 1985) is an Italian football striker.
Rita Guarino is an Italian former football striker.
Federico Piovaccari (born 1 September 1984) is an Italian football striker.
Daniele Cacia (born 23 August 1983) is an Italian football striker.