The Italianate 1919 building, once a silent-movie house, has been renovated from top to bottom.
The original station was opened in 1845 but the Italianate main building has been much altered over the years.
Then came ornate Italianate buildings like the boathouse, sitting well with popular taste.
The Italianate building was constructed in 1856 as a banker's private home.
Its Italianate building, perhaps constructed as a house, was built in about 1865, but it was converted into a restaurant by 1870.
Immediately adjacent on either street are older, more Italianate buildings which housed the store's operations before the construction of the main building.
This 1882 Italianate commercial building is the only one in the district with pressed-metal siding.
The Italianate building was used for the christening of James' son.
The latter, a three-story Italianate building, built in 1872, was the most elaborate of the remaining buildings.
It is also architecturally noteworthy as a good example of an Italianate commercial building.