The Georgia church seen from a distance in a Jack Delano shot from 1940 or 1941 is equally spartan, and lists dangerously forward as well.
The photographs, by Russell Lee, Edwin Rosskam, John Vachon and Jack Delano, speak to us more directly.
Jack Delano (1961-1968)
Jack Delano, John Collier, Marion Post Wolcott and Gordon Parks are among the photographers who visited Connecticut.
Mr. Cruz's "Tierra" was set to a score for piano and strings by Jack Delano whose two parts wound around each other like light and dark motifs.
These changes have been documented through the years by the camera and intuition of Jack Delano, a photographer with remarkable foresight considering the enormity of the project.
And what about Jack Delano's picture of a trompe l'oeil cow enclosed in a trompe l'oeil barn?
Four of them - Edwin Rosskam, Russell Lee, Jack Delano, John Vachon - spent time in Bronzeville, and their remarkable pictures make up the show.
By 1942, when Jack Delano was in Bronzeville, the photographic division of the federal administration had gone under the auspices of the Office of War Information.
"The Art of Jack Delano."