Jack departs, strangely heartened by speaking with the orphaned boy, who vowed to become stronger than anyone to protect the people around him.
After Jack departs, Katrin assures the wounded Walter that she at last has fallen in love with him.
Nobody commented; after brief thanks and farewells, Jack departed and the two friends went indoors.
After facing the disappointed Guardians, a despondent Jack departs in disgrace to Antarctica.
When Harry Warner died on July 27, 1958, Jack avoided the funeral and departed for his annual vacation at Cap d'Antibes.
Told that he will be the ruination of the village because "bad attracts bad," Jack hastily departs and soon encounters a stranger who gives him a magic bean.
Only in Chapter 4 does Jack depart from using the first person.
As Jack departed, tears came to Ruth's eyes.
After Jack and Vivian depart, Murdo murders a young townswoman that he has kidnapped as a blood sacrifice.