"This is a dream coming true," said Jackie Jackson speaking of the tour.
God willing, our first grandchild will reach the age that Jack - Jackie Jackson is now at the beginning of a new century.
Jackie Jackson is heard answering as well telling Michael Jackson what to do.
Jackie Jackson, 40, the mother of six, said she felt touched by the television images of starving Somalis.
Be the One is the second studio album by Jackie Jackson, released on September 9, 1989.
Jackie Jackson missed the first half with a leg injury, supposedly sustained during rehearsals.
Jackie Jackson missed most of the tour because of a leg injury.
Jackie Jackson did not reunite with his brothers again until 2001, when he took part in the Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary show.
Jackie Jackson also oversaw the production of the video, acting as an advisor.
Told in flashback, the Stooges tell their son (Jackie Jackson) how he came to have three fathers.