However his support for the Jacobite cause worked against him and nothing was done.
His family lost their estates owing to sympathy with the Jacobite cause.
During the early 18th century, the family followed the Jacobite cause, lost its lands, and dispersed.
Her family's property was confiscated as a result of their support for the Jacobite cause.
Having lost estates valued at £10,000 a year, he had given up more than most for the Jacobite cause.
He then raised an army of over ten thousand men for the Jacobite cause.
In 1745 many of the local clans rallied to the Jacobite cause.
However during the rebellion of 1745 - 1746 a large number of them supported the Jacobite cause.
He was a supporter of the Jacobite cause.
The collapse of the Jacobite cause placed Keating in an impossible position.