Gordon Onslow Ford and his wife Jacqueline Johnson, an American writer.
"When a tribe starts to have economic power," said Jacqueline Johnson, the executive director of the National Congress of American Indians, a Washington advocacy group, "we have other kinds of obstacles."
Nearly 25 years ago Jacqueline Johnson boarded a school bus every school day to travel from her black neighborhood, Roxbury, to a predominantly white school in another part of the city, Jamaica Plain.
The bridegroom is a son of Jacqueline Johnson of Malverne, L.I., and the late Bruce Johnson.
Young men in horn-rimmed glasses and broad-shouldered Italian suits stand heel to heel by pin-striped women with, as Jacqueline Johnson saw them, "silk covered spindle-thin legs."
In New York Mr. Ford met and married Jacqueline Johnson, an American writer.
Jacqueline Johnson - vocals (bckgr)
I met Jacqueline Johnson in St. Louis, Miss.
To me, this election is about Mildred Nystel, Jacqueline Johnson, Caterina Gutierrez, Ian Malone.
It is the first effort of its kind by an American Indian tribe, said Jacqueline Johnson, executive director of the National Congress of American Indians.