It initially broadcast to the Jakarta area from Jabodetabek as a local pay television channel and was awarded a nationwide license one year later.
It is the main road for workers who live in the western Jakarta area.
Three other services are transmitted to the Jakarta area: Pro-1, Pro-2 and Pro-4.
Most of the Jakarta metropolitan area is electrified at 1500 V DC overhead.
It plans to build a plant in the Jakarta area and will start manufacturing 1,500 engines a month in August 1990.
"That is a day when we think it's possible there could be a terrorist attack in the central Jakarta area," he said.
In the last three letters of this new format, the first letter divides the Jakarta area into sub areas.
It was originally popular around the Jakarta area but has spread throughout Java.
Many of the village's residential properties remain unsold, and its retail outlets face strong competition in the rapidly developing Jakarta area.
There are an estimated several hundred Jews in Indonesia, mainly expatriates in the Jakarta area who conduct religious services at home.