It is used widely in Jamaican dishes, and its wood smoke, which is pleasantly aromatic, imparts a delicate flavor to any food cooked directly on the fire.
Culinarily, the highlight was the Monday night beach party buffet, where grilled seafood and the Jamaican national dish, rice and peas, reigned.
Ackee and saltfish is a traditional Jamaican dish, known as Jamaica's national dish.
The menu, too, is split, neatly divided between Southern and Jamaican dishes.
He brought pictures of his unit in Iraq, and she cooked his favorite Jamaican dishes.
It wasn't fear that had caused me trouble, it was deciding which Jamaican dish to taste first.
When he complained about the food, Ms. Francis would bring his favorite home-cooked Jamaican dishes: brown fried chicken, rice and peas, oxtail.
His short, fun menu is based on traditional Jamaican dishes, with nods to Asian, Spanish and Italian cuisines.
But not all Jamaican dishes need be accompanied by rice or cold drinks.
It would be a shame to omit the Bronx, home of great Jamaican dishes.