Nasrallah was born in Jamaica to a Lebanese father and Jamaican mother.
And for some, like the Jamaican mother whose son was held for ransom by smugglers this week, it is just too much to bear.
He had a Puerto Rican father and Jamaican mother.
He would not dare disrespect women, because his Jamaican mother would not tolerate it.
He was born to a Jamaican mother and an English father.
Mantronik was born in Jamaica to a Syrian father and a Jamaican mother.
He nearly laughed when a young Jamaican mother guided a smiling child to the opposite side of the path as he approached.
Jones was born in Toronto to a Native American father and a Jamaican mother.
It must have been awful to be separated from her children, as she and many other Jamaican mothers were.
She was born in London, England on September 6, 1976 to a Jamaican mother.