According to the Jamestown Foundation this failed project could be a sign of disgrace for Pugachyov.
Part of the disagreement between the Jamestown Foundation and the agency stems from the latter's definition of defectors.
The Jamestown Foundation reported that he holds a doctorate.
The Jamestown Foundation most often acquires its information through indigenous primary sources.
The Jamestown Foundation categorically rejects all claims that link it with the neoconservative or any other specific ideological movement.
In August 2012, he became board member of the Jamestown Foundation.
He has given presentations to the United States Congress and numerous think tanks including the Jamestown Foundation.
His articles have been published by the Jamestown Foundation.
The Jamestown Foundation published a profile of al-Banna based on those transcripts.
The Jamestown Foundation called the group "shadowy", and its strength "uncertain".