This production included a number of then-prominent singers including Janet Baker as Diana.
During his career in theatre and opera he worked with everyone from Barbara Windsor to Janet Baker.
Janet Baker said this about Harwood: "Elizabeth was the most beloved of my colleagues, a beautiful person in every way.
Janet Baker, Dragon's founder and president, said her company is considering a Japanese system but has not yet begun work on it.
Janet Baker, the company's chief executive, said the company would release its software for the Macintosh early next year.
Written for Janet Baker in 1974, it won the Pulitzer Prize and is performed frequently.
Benjamin Luxon and Janet Baker lead an authoritative cast.
"Phaedra" is a 15-minute dramatic work that Britten wrote in 1975 for the mezzo-soprano Janet Baker.
As well as opera, Janet Baker often sang oratorio roles and gave solo recitals.
Britten's "Phaedra" was written with the sound and technique of Janet Baker in the composer's ear.
This production included a number of then-prominent singers including Janet Baker as Diana.
During his career in theatre and opera he worked with everyone from Barbara Windsor to Janet Baker.
Janet Baker said this about Harwood: "Elizabeth was the most beloved of my colleagues, a beautiful person in every way.
Janet Baker, Dragon's founder and president, said her company is considering a Japanese system but has not yet begun work on it.
Janet Baker, the company's chief executive, said the company would release its software for the Macintosh early next year.
Written for Janet Baker in 1974, it won the Pulitzer Prize and is performed frequently.
Benjamin Luxon and Janet Baker lead an authoritative cast.
"Phaedra" is a 15-minute dramatic work that Britten wrote in 1975 for the mezzo-soprano Janet Baker.
As well as opera, Janet Baker often sang oratorio roles and gave solo recitals.
Britten's "Phaedra" was written with the sound and technique of Janet Baker in the composer's ear.