When that deadline came and went, rumors swirled about a January announcement.
Nevertheless, Khanh and Taylor were both signatories to this January 9 announcement.
The January announcement was followed by a year-end earnings report that was weaker than expected and a disappointing production outlook for the year.
Most large energy companies have publicly reaffirmed their reserves since Shell's January announcement.
In its January 2009 announcement of the vehicle's production end, Honda reported that worldwide sales through the end of 2008 totaled 110,673 units.
After Wamp's January 2009 announcement that he would run for Governor in 2010 instead of seeking re-election, several candidates announced campaigns for the seat.
Mr. Suozzi's plan for a January announcement of his candidacy "is the worst-kept secret in Mineola," he said.
The new proposal extends that plan until 1997 and would result in a reduction of 50,000 soldiers more than the January announcement.
Chamillionaire will also only release 1,000 hard copies of the EP, which sold out within 10 hours of the January 17th announcement.
Adecco's share price, which fell by one-third after the January announcement, rose slightly after the latest announcement.