"If you're holding Janus funds as a growth play, it's probably not the way to go at this point."
Performance has improved recently, and some Janus funds have weathered the storm without too much damage.
Many of the big brand-name Janus funds continued to struggle through 2002, and didn't start to perform well until 2003.
Undoubtedly, this was motivated in large part by the Janus funds' heavier technology allocation.
The money keeps coming, but the number of Janus funds keeps shrinking.
Some of those redemptions have been tied to investigations into trading in Janus funds.
The Janus funds were stellar performers in the late 1990's but have faltered badly.
The Janus funds as a group were the biggest owner of Schwab last year.
Performance, meanwhile, remains below average at many Janus funds, according to Morningstar.
The relative imbalance of recent flows into the Janus funds, she said, "is not something that concerns us.