One of the older unions that relates to nursing is the Japanese Federation of Medical Workers Union which was created in 1957.
The Japanese Federation of the Deaf has worked with slow success in efforts to enhance communication opportunities for Japanese whose primary language is JSL.
He organized the Japanese Federation of Labour as well as the National Anti-War League in 1928.
The Japanese Federation of Bar Associations also says that capital punishment should be abolished in Japan.
The Japanese Federation of the Deaf and Disabled Persons International were among those targeting relief efforts for those with special needs.
The Japanese Federation of the Deaf is for those Japanese whose primary language is JSL.
This organization was the precursor of the Japanese Federation of the Deaf.
Currently the Japanese Federation of Bar Associations is calling for the entire interrogation phase to be recorded to prevent similar incidents occurring.
Japanese Federation of the Deaf.
The picture is a 60th-anniversary project of the Japanese Federation of the Deaf.