But an even greater threat to Russian stability would be economic collapse - which Japanese aid might avert.
They are backed by Norway and several Caribbean countries that receive Japanese economic aid.
It was signed in 1978, six years after normal relations were restored between them, and it also made Japanese aid available for China's modernization efforts.
They strongly denied suggestions that they had been "bought off" by offers of Japanese aid.
It will be paid for with Japanese aid, help from international development organizations and the Government.
"The wasps came from the Japanese aid, didn't they?"
They feel that particularly strongly in the case of China, which depends heavily on Japanese aid and investment.
The funding of the $56 billion line would mostly come from the Vietnamese government, with the help of Japanese aid.
His negotiations led to promises of Japanese aid in defeating the pirates.
Indonesia is the largest recipient of Japanese foreign aid, receiving $1.15 billion in 1993.