At that point, the trade war would threaten the jobs of Americans in ways the initial sanctions on high-priced Japanese autos do not.
And he said he did not think the Japanese auto makers' share would keep falling.
Judgment should be deferred until after carefully reading the agreement and analyzing the rapidly changing Japanese auto market.
But now a new group of companies might try such a difficult and foolhardy thing - the Japanese auto makers.
Time Attack is most often associated with Japanese autos, because the sport originated in Japan.
Because of strong demand for Japanese autos, electronics and machinery overseas, the recovery is expected to gather momentum in 2004.
The Japanese auto industry cuts right across the Japanese economy.
Americans understand that, which is why they buy so many Japanese autos even at higher prices.
Japanese autos are part of the inevitable transition from isolationism toward hard currency, however much they choke on bad Soviet gasoline.
Most of it has been created for the Japanese auto importing companies in or around Los Angeles.