Horner made a hot air balloon out of Japanese paper (washi), and made a demonstration in front of about 30 Japanese delegates.
Fukui was also a Japanese delegate at the London Economic Conference in 1933.
The Japanese delegate denied the allegations:
"We maybe have mixed feelings, but we said yes," said Masato Kitera, a Japanese delegate at the talks.
"We have ears to listen to your requests," a diplomatic official quoted the chief Japanese delegate, Katsunari Suzuki, as saying.
In discussions with United States representatives, neither Japanese nor Canadian delegates have clarified their positions on possible quota reductions.
The last task of the Military Police in the war was to provide escort to the Japanese delegates to arrange the surrender.
Be they Japanese delegates or sightseers, "it seems like they've studied up on everything," he said.
Although the Korean representatives were blocked by the Japanese delegates, they did not give up, and later held interviews with newspapers.
Alan was then met by a shocked Sue, and a group of Japanese delegates.