There are no statistics to document the extent of the problem, and it clearly does not apply to every Japanese employer in the United States.
Their college training is an essential requirement because Japanese employers insist that the women have the ability to learn Japanese.
Japanese employers and companies made up for the labor shortages in the 1990s by hiring temporary workers without security or job benefits.
We cannot confirm information about prospective Japanese employers although we may be familiar with organizations or have received complaints in the past.
Unlike their American counterparts, Japanese employers know exactly what skills and knowledge to expect when they hire a high school or college graduate.
Accordingly, the two designers created just such an undergarment and was approved by their Japanese employers.
While a Japanese employer might take some of these measures, it would phase them in over several years and consult workers more, he said.
Similarly, Japanese employers have tended to favour enterprise bargaining.
In a few cases, Japanese employers are even circumventing the strict rules that have governed advancement in the workplace.
Still, 61 percent of Americans said they did not believe they would experience discrimination from a Japanese employer.