In spite of this risk, the Japanese experience lower costs for engineering changes.
Just last month, he moved his steering wheel from left- to right-hand drive to simulate the Japanese driving experience.
Together, they trace the Japanese experience in America from earliest immigration to the present.
"At the same time, I didn't want to make a movie exclusively about them, because that would denigrate the Japanese experience."
The Japanese experience here adds to growing signs they are vulnerable in the American market when it comes to intangible products.
Simply hoping for banks to work legacy assets off over time risks prolonging a financial crisis, as in the case of the Japanese experience.
To see it was to have an instant Japanese experience.
The Japanese experience is an opportunity for the responsible appraisal of existing safety standards, without unnecessary political grandstanding.
As a result of the Japanese experience, several countries will probably re-think their nuclear energy strategies.
"The Japanese experience of recent years clearly exhibits both sides of the equation," he said.