A Muslim uprising which broke out shortly after the beginning of the Japanese landings prevented the action.
The first victim of the occupation came on the fourth day after the Japanese landings.
Following Japanese landings on Singapore, intense fighting occurred over several days.
However, the iniital Japanese landings were in the south.
Within a day of the Japanese landing, the Dutch forces had been surrounded and had given up.
Shortly afterwards he was hospitalised and, as a result, missed the majority of the fighting following the Japanese landings on 8 February 1942.
It was sent to intercept Japanese landings in Malaya.
The Japanese landings had scattered over a wide area, typical of landings in darkness and rough surf.
The division was also unable to turn back the Japanese landing at Kranji and withdrew to the centre of the island.
Japanese landings on Endau had been in progress for over four hours by the time the planes arrived at 1500.