This textbook shift occurred at a time when Japan wanted other Asians to feel less threatened by Japanese economic leadership.
In several fields Japanese leadership has clearly emerged, notably in consumer electronics and the heavy electrical fields.
By mainly trying to avoid a sharp shock, the analysts said, the Japanese leadership is keeping the country immobile in the soup.
It was said that he didn't have his own thoughts and that he was only reluctantly involved in the war as a symbol of Japanese leadership.
From 1786 on through to modern day, the Ōbaku has been run and controlled by exclusively Japanese leadership.
Consequently, the Japanese leadership correctly anticipated that a war with Russia or another Western imperial power was eventually likely.
But the Japanese political leadership would meet each day in the Emperor's bunker and none of them could bring themselves to tell him: "Game over."
However, that same year, Hideyoshi died and the remaining Japanese leadership lost their will to fight.
While the Chinese government chose to prosecute the top Japanese leadership, it repatriated accused lower-ranking soldiers to Japan.
The unpublished section of the treaty also placed the Korean army under Japanese leadership, and handed over judicial and policing powers.