His films are cause for celebration, and so, too, is the fact that yesterday the Japanese master observed his 81st birthday.
He is Issa (1763-1827), a Japanese master of haiku.
Daihachi Oguchi, 84, Japanese master of taiko drumming, car accident.
Only the Japanese masters were still.
The same account is given by the Japanese master Keizan's 13th century work of the same title.
The silhouette is elegant, the form balanced, and its craftsmanship rivals the joinery of a Japanese master.
"It's like a Japanese master passing his knowledge on to an apprentice," Mr. Rackin said.
In recognition of this, the Japanese masters of the early 20th century put the character for 'way of life'(do) into the name of their disciplines.
That's the number of syllables the Japanese masters used to create their brief, scintillating visions of seasonal life.
She started studying seriously painting with a Japanese master even before entering elementary school.