It is very reminiscent of Japanese monsters especially Godzilla, even having atomic breath.
A great deal of interest currently gravitates towards Japanese monsters taken from traditional Japanese sources.
It regularly features panels, contests, and theatrically screened films of interest to fans of Japanese monsters.
Ganimes and Komoebas, no long under control, go beserk and begin to battle as Japanese giant monsters are wont to do.
Entertainment on Game Boy Advance players often involves battles between Japanese animated monsters.
The story features Hamachi, a boy fascinated by the Japanese monsters called yokai.
A call for Britons to stand up for principle and refuse to accept the blood-stained money of a Japanese monster.
The word kudan is the name of legendary Japanese monster that has the head of human and the body of a cow.
Godzilla is a fictional Japanese monster.
Pandemonium and parade: Japanese monsters and the culture of yōkai.