A single branching vein wound around the shaft, a graceful decoration, as if a Japanese painter had dashed it there for the sake of design.
At about the same time, Japanese painters began to use a pigment made from the same plant.
A impoverished Japanese painter sends his housekeeper out with a few small coins to buy food.
He was staring into the face of the Japanese painter whom he talked to, felt sorry for in the men's room of his office.
I'm a little like the Japanese painter who would spend months waiting and then do a picture in three seconds.
Although more is known about Jakuchu than many other 18th-century Japanese painters, there are huge gaps of information.
The next generation of Japanese painters was influenced by more radical artistic developments in France.
Ogura is considered to be the first ethnically Japanese painter of any stature to paint Hawaiian subjects.
His maki-e works used designs from various Japanese contemporary painters.
He visited Japan again in 1927 and made the acquaintance of Japanese painters.