Some observers believe that had the United States heeded his recommendations much earlier, Japanese power would have been significantly weakened.
The effect is unlike anything since the rise of Japanese economic power after World War II.
The crisis in the the gulf could give rise to a new perception of the limits to Japanese power.
The accord, which was expected to curb the rise of Japanese economic power, seriously backfired.
A contemporary sendup of Japanese corporate power and its invasion of America might have been new indeed.
Most Americans now seem to feel more threatened by Japanese economic power than by Soviet military power.
The fiction of Japanese imperial power had become infinitely extendable.
Japanese power is described as being held by a loose group of unaccountable elites who operate behind the scenes.
The Japanese power their dolls with springs of baleen, Affie.
Oldendorf won a crushing night victory, and Japanese naval power was dealt a death blow.