The chef, who did not wish to cook for the Japanese imperial rulers, cut off his hand with this knife.
However, while under the rule of Japanese imperialism, the missionaries stopped managing the whole school system due to Shinto worship being enforced by the Japanese rulers.
Baekje also became a sea power and continued mutual goodwill relationships with the Japanese rulers of the Kofun period, transmitting continental cultural influences to Japan.
This, indeed, is how Chinese and Japanese rulers have always justified their power, as guardians of the perfect social order.
The Japanese rulers of Korea left the country on 2 September 1945.
In the centuries before the Meiji period, Jingū was known as the 15th Japanese imperial ruler, according to the traditional order of succession.
His family was captured and eventually freed after Vespa agreed to work for the new Japanese rulers of Manchuria.
A year ago this month Akihito became the first Japanese ruler ever to visit China, speaking along the way of the "unbearable suffering" Japan inflicted there.
In the 6th century, China was an extraordinarily advanced culture, and the Japanese rulers felt that their country was lagging behind.
The company today known as TTL had its origins in a government agency established by Taiwan's Japanese rulers in 1901.