By July 1943 the Japanese threat had receded and the squadron was disbanded.
Their role was to handle, maintain and move upwards of 1,000,000 chemical weapons imported into Australia to counter a possible Japanese threat.
The Japanese competitive threat is now a sorry heap of bad debt.
With the Japanese threat of occupation lurking, the university staff and students moved to Sichuan in 1937, where they transferred to other schools.
Poqet and the other small American companies could emerge as strong players despite the Japanese threat, many industry experts believe.
Today it almost seems bad sportsmanship to mention the Japanese threat.
He had an especially stern view of the Japanese threat to American high technology.
Plus, China was facing a tremendous Japanese threat.
Burma had been regarded as a military "backwater", unlikely to be subjected to Japanese threat.
But it soon became apparent as 1942 wore on that the Japanese threat to mainland North America was minor.