Traditionally batik cloth is a large piece of intricately decorated cloth used by Javanese women as kemben or torso wrap.
In Indonesia, Mr. Nugroho's election ads featured an elderly Javanese woman urging women to "make up your own mind."
The Japanese also forced an estimated 300 Javanese women to work as "comfort women".
After the war he married a Javanese woman.
Young Javanese normally do not follow these customs, and today most Javanese women will resist infidelity and opt for a divorce.
Here, among other subjects, she learnt to speak Dutch, an unusual accomplishment for Javanese women at the time.
He married a Javanese woman.
Another 107 married or cohabited with Kanak, Vietnamese or Javanese women.
The Javanese women were famous for their beauty.
And in 1937 I married a Javanese woman.