Jenna Bush, one of the president's twin daughters, has applied for a position as a teaching assistant at a charter school in Harlem.
Imagine Jenna Bush joining the military - that would be the signal thing saying, this is a cause worth dying for.
But Jenna Bush, who is responsible for the one made with pumpkin, may be out of a job this year.
He said, "Jenna Bush is doing a book," and offered to arrange a meeting.
Jenna Bush came in and left behind her ID (unhip).
(a) Jenna Bush got stuck in an elevator at a night club, then pried the door open with a chopstick and had a tequila.
Barbara and Jenna Bush have also been spotted there.
This was supposed to be the new Jenna Bush.
Should Jenna Bush, now cited for her second offense, be charged and found guilty of a third one, the punishment could get much stiffer.
Until Jenna Bush wrote a book and got married, the Bushes did a pretty thorough job of keeping their daughters off-limits to the press.