Also largely settled was the size of the autonomous Jericho district - 21 square miles - although that is a detail that may still change, officials said.
About 3,220 students are enrolled in the Jericho district, which has three elementary schools, one middle school and one high school.
Walton Street is on the eastern edge of the Jericho district of central Oxford, England.
How big is the Jericho district?
How big will the new autonomous Jericho district be?
Prices for those within the Westbury district started at $325,000, while those in the Jericho district started at $695,000.
The mansion on 10 acres in the Jericho district was priced at $3.25 million.
Whatever the reason, points of contention remain on basic issues like border controls and the size of the autonomous Jericho district.
The Jericho district is almost as big as the Gaza Strip.
The Jericho district has three kindergarten-through-fifth-grade schools, one middle school and one high school.