The Didache, from the 1st century, provides insight into the Jewish Christians of the Jerusalem church.
For centuries, Greek clergy dominated the Jerusalem church.
Individuals such as James had a significant role in the Jerusalem church and the Council of Jerusalem.
As of 1999 the following in Barbados reached around 1,900 and the Jerusalem church has been rebuilt to seat 3,000.
Jerusalem church may refer to:
Galilean Order-hm-aren't they, um, priests in the Jerusalem church?
Members of the Jerusalem church have been preaching that circumcision is required for salvation.
Acts differed with Paul's letters on important issues, such as the Law, Paul's own apostleship, and his relation to the Jerusalem church.
He was appointed as vicar of Jerusalem church, Kottayam.
The apostle John was a historical figure, one of the "pillars" of the Jerusalem church after Jesus' death.