Their car-bomb blew apart two hours later in a Jerusalem market, killing both men and wounding 24 people.
That was shown again yesterday when two suicide bombers detonated a car bomb in a crowded Jerusalem market.
His information carried a chilling resonance: on Tuesday, two suicide bombers set off explosions in a crowded Jerusalem market, killing 13 other people.
Then, another suicide bomber struck near a Jerusalem market, killing six.
The farmers of Lifta marketed their produce in Jerusalem markets and took advantage of the city's services.
Bethlehem had been sealed off since a suicide bombing in a Jerusalem market killed 16 people.
The Hamas wing that claimed the last bombing, of a crowded Jerusalem market in July, claimed this one too.
Farther up Jaffa Street is the sprawling Jerusalem market, a place to buy endless varieties of feta, olives and dry spices.
While he was doing time, two suicide bombers struck in a Jerusalem market, killing 14 people and themselves.
The suicide bombing was the first in Israel since a young woman detonated herself and killed six other people on April 12 at a Jerusalem market.