Unlike the offense, which added four free-agent starters, the Jets acquired no one of significance for the defense.
When the Jets acquired him as a free agent over the summer, they said he had been rehabilitated after staying out of football last year.
The Jets acquired him by sending the 49ers a fourth-round pick in next year's draft.
Kotite's frustration will not diminish until the Jets acquire an experienced wide receiver in the next few weeks.
The Jets acquired him as a free agent in 1993 after he graduated with a degree in criminal justice.
The Jets acquired Morton from the Saints in a trade during training camp.
Thus he becomes the fifth potential impact veteran the Jets have acquired since training camp began.
This was Day 1 for college players the Jets have acquired in the last week as free agents and through the draft.
Forget those million-dollar receivers the Jets acquired in their lust for a bigger passing game.
The Jets of past years acquired some free agents, but not of the quality they have now.