The Jets are 10-5 and can still reach the playoffs.
The Jets have reached an average of 20 yards a return only once in the last five seasons, and that barely.
After a playoff appearance in 1969, the Jets didn't reach the postseason until 1981.
But he was very specific today on why he believed the Jets could reach another high point.
If the Jets don't reach agreement with him by June 1, he'll become a free agent.
The Jets have reached deep into their stash of magic dust this season.
Last year, the Jets reached their peak in Week 7.
With losses in their first three games, the Jets have reached a point at which nothing is certain and nothing can be taken for granted.
It is diificult to believe, but the Jets have reached the crossroads of their 1992 season, despite the fact that they haven't played eight games.
At the end, the Jets reached the Giants' 12-yard line when time ran out.