Most brides feel like queens when walking down the aisle, but Jewish brides (and grooms) are actually considered royalty on their wedding day.
Later that year, Mr. Zacks moved to Camden from Billings, Mont., to find a Jewish bride, and was hired as a buyer at Steketee's.
Another scene re-creates the mikvah, situated in Sephardic country in a corner of the public bathhouse, where Jewish brides immersed themselves before the wedding.
Well, if you're a Jewish bride, you will be!
It is 1941 that we are talking about, and we see four young Jewish brides brought before a tribunal of the cruel ones.
It details the elaborate seduction of a young Jewish bride by a worldly Moldavian wagoner, on the route between Târgu Neamţ and Piatra.
Tornai has a line of dresses that are specialized for Jewish and Muslim brides who are religious.
A Jewish bride and groom are feted with seven days of festive meals after their wedding, known as Sheva Berachot ("Seven Blessings").
Anticipating a Jewish bride, his parents were at first delighted.
The bride's wreath is a Christian substitute for the gilt coronet all Jewish brides wore.