She blamed the Jewish critics.
But the way some of her Jewish critics have talked, you'd think she was smuggling dynamite to Hamas suicide bombers.
On Jewish critics of Israel.
Jewish critics have accused him of being anti-Semitic.
Such activities have been anathema to Mr. Shapiro's Jewish critics, who say he is betraying his people.
Ailes has also dismissed Jewish critics, referring to them as "left-wing rabbis."
There's a picture of a key scene in my struggle with my Jewish critics, and its effect on my life.
Lilienthal first came to prominence in the early 1950s as a Jewish critic of Zionism and Israel.
To Jewish critics of these restrictions, such justifications are a form of apologetics, rationalizations for an inherited, unjust, system with barriers to women's spiritual fulfillment.
One Jewish critic of chosenness was the philosopher Baruch Spinoza.