As early as 1907, Stalin wrote a letter differentiating between a "Jewish faction" and a "true Russian faction" in Bolshevism.
Historians seek to understand where Jesus and his followers fit among other Jewish factions at the time.
Conservative Jewish factions accused Geiger of being a Karaite or Sadducee, and therefore prevented him from being appointed Chief Rabbi.
A strong Jewish faction introduced the roots of the mystical system known as Qabalism.
By contrast, II Maccabees centres its story consistently on the misdeeds of the Jewish Hellenizers and on the conflicts between the various Jewish factions.
Anonymous callers who said they spoke for Jewish and Palestinian factions took responsibility for the explosion.
The Tobiads were a Jewish or Ammonite faction at the beginning of the Maccabean period.
Thus the specific mentioning of the two groups might be a deliberate attempt to tar both leading Jewish factions.
However, Zuckerman was widely opposed by liberal Jewish factions.
The organization represented almost all major Jewish factions, however a few smaller groups at first objected to the creation of centralized leadership.