In 1933, when Hitler dismissed the 25 percent of physicists in Germany who were Jewish, other physicists, Jewish and not, Einstein among them, quit in protest.
The names of two exiled Jewish physicists doing the work were not revealed!
Lindemann also helped a number of German Jewish physicists, primarily at the University of Göttingen, to emigrate to England to work in the Clarendon Laboratory.
None of the names he had mentioned meant anything to me, except Einstein's, whom I recalled as a crazy Jewish physicist who had died in disgrace in Switzerland.
Leó Szilárd, a Jewish nuclear physicist who had been living in Berlin, took his life savings and left the country on a train bound for Vienna.
Many Jewish physicists, including project lead J. Robert Oppenheimer, were involved in the Manhattan Project, the secret World War II effort to develop the atomic bomb.
This insight was first discovered by a Jewish physicist, Yosef Kobinski, who was interned in Auschwitz during the Holocaust.
Talcott's discovery coincides with the resurfacing of manuscripts written by the Jewish physicist.
Paul Nemenyi, a Hungarian Jewish physicist, may have been Fischer's biological father.