He has volunteered his time, he said, because "I want to see Jewish-Christian relations thrive."
Eugene Korn, Orthodox rabbi who has focused on Jewish-Christian relations.
He worked as a management consultant and an intercultural activist, specifically focusing on Jewish-Christian relations and reconciliation.
Winner writes and lectures on Christian practice, the history of Christianity in America, and Jewish-Christian relations.
Further developments included new programs in women's studies and religion, Jewish-Christian relations, and religion and medicine.
Jewish-Christian relations were a concern of his throughout his career.
Sir Jonathan said the move "will have the most adverse repercussions on a situation over which it has enormous influence, namely Jewish-Christian relations in Britain."
He has written five books and over seventy articles on a wide range of issues in the fields of Jewish studies and Jewish-Christian relations.
Such encounters, Professor Wilson said, are "where the future of Jewish-Christian relations has to be."
In Israel, the debate about Jewish-Christian relations has been almost therapeutic, and not only because it distracted attention from the many political scandals.