Some of the teen-agers talked about walking into Jewish-owned stores and realizing that a hush had fallen.
The attacks included an an apparent attempted kidnapping and swastikas painted on Jewish-owned stores and other buildings.
In the 1970s and 1980s factories of major employers such as Republic Steel, and many Jewish-owned stores closed and younger members emigrated in search of employment.
And why are Korean- Hispanic- and Jewish-owned stores routinely attracting black customers?
When it was over, more than 20,000 Jews were arrested, nearly 200 synagogues destroyed, 7,500 Jewish-owned stores looted and scores of Jews were murdered.
The book's heroes begin with what it calls "socially conscious" murder, beatings and larceny - attacks on Jewish-owned stores.
More recently, it has been absorbed by Chinatown, although some kosher and Jewish-owned stores can be found.
The attacks left the streets covered with broken glass from the windows of Jewish-owned stores, buildings, and synagogues.
One day after the hideous tragedy at Freddy's, Mr. Powell went ahead with a planned protest outside Bargain World, another Jewish-owned store on 125th Street.