Berkeley Systems was a San Francisco Bay Area software company co-founded in 1987 by Wes Boyd and Joan Blades.
Joan Blades and Wes Boyd plan to find out.
Joan Blades, a co-founder of Move On, said the group's goal was to see that legislation would "include some common-sense measures to make it more difficult for children to gain access to weapons."
Pariser joined in November 2001, when founders Wes Boyd and Joan Blades invited him to merge his efforts with theirs.
Joan Blades and Wes Boyd, the founders of Berkeley Systems, went on to create
Wesley Boyd and Joan Blades, software developers in Berkeley, started their Internet petition with an initial investment of $89.95.
Lux and PFAW soon partnered with Wes Boyd and Joan Blades, whose similar internet petition campaign was gaining ground quickly.
Joan Blades praised the ad on the Huffington Post that the mother in the ad has "foresight" and has the "right priorities."
The MoveOn board is co-chaired by Joan Blades and Wes Boyd.
One of the group's founders is Joan Blades, who, with her husband, Wes Boyd, founded MoveOn.