In the decade that followed, while Jobs introduced the iPhone, the MacBook Air, and the iPad, the Raiders failed to complete a single winning season.
Jobs introduced the iPhone as a combination of three devices: a "widescreen iPod with touch controls"; a "revolutionary mobile phone"; and a "breakthrough Internet communicator".
Job introduced strict discipline and other reforms of monastic life.
Nintendo has to be breathing a huge sigh of relief at the small box of fail that Jobs introduced yesterday.
At Apple's annual shareholders meeting on January 24, 1984, an emotional Jobs introduced the Macintosh to a wildly enthusiastic audience; Andy Hertzfeld described the scene as "pandemonium".
This marked the first time Jobs didn't introduce the new iPhone, but his influence lives on in the device itself.
In May, Jobs introduced the iMac and the PowerBook G3.
Jobs introduced the Macintosh in 1984 to wild acclaim, but behind the hyped up launch there were financial problems at Apple.
Two years later, at yet another much hyped launch, Jobs introduced the iPhone to a legion of customers, many of whom had queued for hours at their local Apple store.
After a power struggle at Apple, Jobs introduces his new company, NeXT, in 1988.