"The Jocelyn Bell should be large enough to bring over all the repair equipment as well as the extra team of engineers you requested."
And I'm afraid the Jocelyn Bell won't fit into our auxiliary bay.
Piloting the Jocelyn Bell myself wasn't just an attempt to keep my mind and hands occupied during this long, tense trip.
"Schulman," I snapped while the Jocelyn Bell swooped to a graceful but completely unnecessary stop inside the asteroid's safe firing range.
Schulman gave me a puzzled glance as the Jocelyn Bell swerved from its heading into a back-looping spiral.
But it was his student, Jocelyn Bell, who actually spotted the pulsating stars.
In the course of this survey, one of his graduate students, Jocelyn Bell, discovered the radio source which was ultimately recognised as the first pulsar.
The first pulsar was discovered by Jocelyn Bell in 1967, using the radio antenna of Cambridge University in England.
But the pulsars were first discovered, and their nature confirmed, by Hewish's graduate student Jocelyn Bell.
August 6 - A pulsar is noted by Jocelyn Bell and Antony Hewish.