Following are excerpts from an editorial in yesterday's Business Day, a Johannesburg financial newspaper.
She resumed work for the Johannesburg newspaper from their London office.
After graduating he was a city reporter for a Johannesburg newspaper and completed freelance editing assignments for Radio 702 and other media outlets.
A Johannesburg newspaper reported that Mr. Xaba had his hands raised to surrender when he was shot.
Following are excerpts from an editorial in yesterday's Sowetan, a Johannesburg newspaper with a predominantly black readership.
The Johannesburg newspaper The Sunday Times claimed that film of the clash showed it to be accidental.
In 1994 he began writing as an internet technology columnist for the Johannesburg daily newspaper The Star.
The wording of the announcement supported speculation in Johannesburg newspapers this afternoon that the police had uncovered evidence of an assassination conspiracy.
"Black Easter," read the front page of the Sowetan, a Johannesburg newspaper.
"Life had become empty for me," Mr. Gregory told a Johannesburg newspaper.