John Bacon was born in Canterbury, Connecticut on April 5, 1738.
John Bacon spotted Dillup and the red lantern.
A memorial by John Bacon to his memory is on the south wall of the church.
There is a later monument from the early 19th century by John Bacon, junior.
The reredos was carved by John Bacon, whose son was the first parish priest.
Another member of the board, who unfortunately survived a primary challenge, is John Bacon.
John Bacon (died 1321), was a judge.
John Bacon (30 May 1871 - 16 October 1942) was an English cricketer.
On the south wall is a monument to Charles Roe in black and white marble dated 1784 by John Bacon.
His father died in 1799, and John Bacon, junior, succeeded to his business.