Johnson also directed several films in the 1950s, including two starring Gregory Peck.
Johnson directs the company's research and development program, and is an executive and major shareholder.
Johnson has recently been working in the Austin film industry as an extra as well as directing and producing short films.
Johnson also directed the final episode of the show.
In less than 14 years, Johnson directed a franchise network of over 10,000 employees with 170 restaurants, many serving 1.5 million people a year.
Johnson directed the pilot episode of the FX drama Lights Out.
Ice attracted little notice beyond the Christian readership to which Johnson directed it, and it is now out-of-print.
Johnson directed Alomar to pay the fines to a foundation of which Johnson's wife, Susan, is managing director.
Johnson also directed the music video for Katie Chastain's song "Snowshow".
After leaving Parliament, Johnson continued as a local solicitor, and directed his political energies towards animal rights campaigning.