The Jordanian economy is beset by insufficient supplies of water, oil, and other natural resources.
British tourists are important to the Jordanian economy, accounting for 16pc of the country's total last year.
Then, affluent Iraqis arrived and invested in the Jordanian economy, sending prices soaring too high for many working class or lower class Jordanians.
Following the 2003 war and subsequent reconstruction, the arrival of mostly poor Iraqis compounded problems, increasing demand and applying more pressure on the Jordanian economy.
Moves to demonstrate the government's seriousness came at a time when the UN was due to release a report on the effects of the embargo on the Jordanian economy.
This influx of cash helped boost the Jordanian economy, but also fueled inflation and wage shortages, which aggravated existing inequalities.
The tourism sector remains an important element of the Jordanian economy, directly employing some 30,000 Jordanians and contributing 10% to the kingdom's GDP.
As the Jordanian economy continued to grow, the Jordan-U.S. economic partnership developed stronger ties and economic interdependence.
The Commission is aware that the gradual establishment of free trade with the Community is an enormous challenge to the Jordanian economy and Jordanian society.
The CBJ, pursuant to its legal powers, adopts procedures and measures to deal with economic problems to avoid their adverse effects on the Jordanian economy.