Now that he is here, Jordanian law allows him to avoid service if he pays the equivalent of $6,000.
"Jordanian law is still applied in the West Bank," the King said.
Under Jordanian law, a life sentence is equivalent to 25 years in prison.
Jordanian law prohibits the distribution of cigarettes to people under age 18.
Jordanian law also restricted the creativity and freedom desired by many Palestinians at the time.
Today, they "still work with the Jordanian laws as they were the day Jordan left" 22 years ago, the judge said.
Jordanian law provides citizens the right to travel freely within the country and abroad except in designated military areas.
In Jordanian law a driver is always guilty if they hit a pedestrian.
And while under Jordanian law he is entitled to a lawyer, the courts have yet to appoint one for him.
Under Jordanian law, anyone sentenced to five years or more gets an automatic appeal to a special high court.