The race was part of the Jubilee Festival, or Heb-Sed, which usually occurred after 30 years' reign, and involved the pharaoh's symbolic rejuvenation and the recognition of his supremacy by officials from all over Egypt.
"Her Talking Drum," the second presentation in the American Place Theater's Jubilee Festival celebrating the black experience, holds fast to its vision of black women as repositors of an especially intimate and agonized knowledge of the relationship between human life and the relentless cycles of nature.
The race was part of the Jubilee Festival, or Heb-Sed, wh.
Aug. 2012, "Ore Ijubilee (Jubilee Festival)".
Stockholm is awash in anniversaries, not the least of which is being celebrated in the accurately if oddly titled 225 Years Jubilee Festival of the Royal Swedish Ballet (1773-1998).
The Jubilee Festival for the Pharaoh, the Heb Sed is represented in hieroglyphs by a Jubilee Pavilion Hieroglyph.
IOC then performed at two more festivals: The Dark Jubilee Festival in London, and later as the Sunday headliner for Synthpop Goes the World in Toronto, Canada.
Under the latter scenario, Piye would have planned to hold a Jubilee Festival in this Temple in his 30th Year-hence his recruitment of Egypt's Artisans to decorate it-but died before this event took place.